Honor thy noodly appendage

Coin Trackers


The $CFSM community is setting themselves apart from other Solana memecoins by donating noodles and sauce to families in need. When $CFSM hits marketcap goals, we are commited to giving back by donating to the San Diego Food Bank.

Milestone 1 (COMPLETE)


100 noodle packets / 25 pasta sauces

Milestone 2 (COMPLETE)


200 noodle packets / 50 pasta sauces

Milestone 3 (INCOMING)


400 noodle packets / 100 pasta sauces

Community NFTs

Show your Pastafarian Pride 🏴‍☠️

Whether you’re a long-time supporter or new to the $CFSM community, show your devotion with a unique community profile picture (PFP). Only 1,000 NFTs are available, so “Lock In” before they’re gone! Secure yours today and unlock eternal blessings, including beer volcanoes and stripper factories in the afterlife.

The church is real...

The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the quirky deity of Pastafarianism, a fun and cheeky parody religion. Born as a playful protest against teaching intelligent design in schools, it mixes pasta with Rastafarianism to make its point. Followers claim it’s just as “real” as any other religion. 🍝

Pastafarians celebrate every Friday as a holy day. Prayers are concluded with a final declaration of affirmation, “R’amen”🙏

Ordained Community Members

Though $CFSM is not affiliated with the church, our Pastafarian community is showing their loyalty to the $CFSM project by getting officially ordained. 


$CFSM Community Leader


$CFSM Community Leader

Riley "Cowboy Wizard"

$CFSM Community Leader



1. Thou Shalt Always Have The Colander On.

2. Thou Shalt Be Baptized In Sauce.

3. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Alfredo.

4. Thou Shalt Only Eat Spaghetti.

5. Thou Shalt Work For Your Bags.

6. Thou Shalt Have No Other Dishes Before Me.

7. Thou Shalt Not Cook Thy Pasta In Vain. Always al dente.

8. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Parmesan And Romano.

9. Avenge Not Thy Wrongs, But Noodle Thy Enemies.

10. Love Thy Neighbor Like A Side Order Of Garlic Toast.

May your sauce be rich and noodles bountiful.